So we're moving
I should be totally stoked.
We bought a new house here in the town we love, with a backyard and an attached garage (!!).
With only ten days left until moving day, I thought I'd be feeling butterflies.
Instead I feel overhwhelmed, irritable, and exhausted. I was sick for a week, the kids are all over me, I'm way behind in packing. I just want to curl up on my bed and have everyone leave me alone.
And then there's the guilt. How ungrateful I feel for having to consciously shake off my poor attitude, and for getting caught up in the inconveniences of moving.
I have nothing but abundance and love all around me and here I am feeling sorry for myself. So lame.
It's easy to convince ourselves that life will be better when...
The kids are older
We make more money
We have more time at home
We have a bigger house
We're done moving
(fill in the blank)
The truth is that even when we attain these things, life will still be filled with challenges.
I'm writing to admit to myself that I'm still feeling the struggle, even as I watch my dreams unfold before me.
I want to accept this and decide to be happy anyway. There is no better time to be happy than right now. Even when I'm tripping over boxes with a toddler on my hip and dinner burning on the stove.
I can treasure these last days in the home where we have raised our three little girls. I look forward to good times ahead, but I know the memories we have made here are very special.
2010—7-month-old Grace helping us unpack, in the bedroom we are currently packing up again
2012—14-month-old Amy roaming with our orange cat, Steven (can you spot him?)
2014—Hours-old Megan who was born here at home (she arrived quickly, before the midwives, yikes!)
So here's one remedy that is helping me cope with the move: organization!
Yesterday I found an article from Martha Stewart called "Simplifying the Big Move." As you might expect, Martha offers a thoughtful, six-week game plan to ensure your move goes smoothly, with a touch of style and grace.
We close escrow in three days and move in the following week, so Martha's checklist is beyond me at this point.
However, she did inspire our color-coded packing system:
As we pack, we have assigned each room a different color, which we include on all boxes and furniture from that room.
At the new house, we'll mark each door with the appropriate color so the movers can quickly distribute the boxes and furniture without having to ask "Where's the office/playroom/etc."
Sort of brilliant, I think.
Color-coding in progress. (Did I mention we have another kitty who demands constant attention. We see you Stella.)
Today I packed ten boxes. It feels like I may never finish.
Tomorrow, reinforcements arrive in the form of my amazing mother. Without her I could never have survived the half-dozen moves I've made so far in my lifetime. She tolerates my endless complaining while still finding a way to be enormously productive. Thank you, mom.
Stay tuned for updates on the big move, I promise I'll be in a better mood! :)